Childhood Memories....the 70's

Can you remember when things that had been scary as a child, now seem to be kinda funny when you look back at it. I remember as kid, wondering if I was on Santa's good list...I gotta admit I was a trouble maker and often was reminded of it. As I grew up and got into the double digit age of 10, I remember how I lost that magic that Christmas had to offer as a non-christian child. Santa was my mom...I stayed up all night and faked sleeping while my mom put some gifts under the tree. I was ashamed at the sneakiness...but it was on my mind for many years. The curiousness of knowing how Santa would manage to get into my house since we locked all the doors and our only chimney was used for our wood stove. Ooooh! the windows....he will sneak in, what room will he enter. Will the reindeer leave tracks on my roof. I think back at this and laugh at the wild imagination that I had and the excitement I had until I realized that Santa was "dead" and it was time to adjust to my teen years of hiding it from my younger brother.
Memory #2 - Clowns...I still hate clowns. I even had a weird time at Disney, who is behind that mask. Creepy old man, or the college student that needed a summer job. Clowns...they are supposed to be funny and carry a hi jinx humor with every gesture they make. Make-up that hides the normal facial cracks and wrinkles makes me wonder why they are hiding behind the makeup. Juggling is great....but when you make eye contact and they just look at you and touch with a hand shake, it seems like our normal responses to communication flies out the door and opens up the door to panic and anxiety. Funny stuff.....just keep those clowns away from me.
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