while in Boston

Saturday August 16th - 9AM my wife and I and 12 others took a large van from Waldoboro to Boston. We all had group tickets to see the Boston Red Sox play the Toronto Blue Jays at 7PM. The trip down was great we avoided any major traffic and toll booth jams. We made it to Boston around 12:30 PM and was dropped off at Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall area. We all headed over to HayMarket Pizza for a slice of pizza before we all headed off to our different destinations. The wife and I walked over the the North End "Little Italy" to explore some of the back streets and maybe find a great place to hang out. We ended up getting a few cannoli's from Mikes Pastry (the place was insane with people jamming the whole area and out the doors). We ended up eating outdoors on a bench while the pedestrian traffic was much better than inside. We discovered a small carnival that was happening on a side street....we found some really neat italian vendors cooking "stuffed rice balls" and other things such as baked ziti, pastas, and gelato's of all flavors. It was fun to see and hear other italians talk with a Boston accent. I have a typical up north New England accent that is different that most. After walking off our pastry's we headed over to "Hennessy's" for a cold $2 draft before meeting up with the other people that we had been with. Some of the others had stayed at the New England Science Museum for the whole day. I thought we had plenty of time to visit that place with my kids. Besides, the weather was excellent for being outdoors. 4:45PM we all met up and headed over the Chinatown for a quick bite. Things here are different that we expected...whole chickens roasting in the windows (head and all). My wife ended up getting a veggie fried rice, I decided to hold off on the rice and get a sausage bomb at the park. We got the Fenway Park and got to our seats eventually. I walked from left field all the way over the right field seats underneath the stadium in order to squish some pennies. The game was quick and boring....the Sox lost 4-1 the the Jays. I was able to see the debut of Red Sox pitcher Paul Byrd who had a few bad innings. We all gathered at a large Pizzaria Uno to get picked up. It takes about 3.5-4 hours travel back to Maine. Home by 2AM.
Sunday - Another day without the kids (at grammys), we both went out to lunch for a few fish tacos and a cache. I was able to find Baker Forest Hybrid in Damarscotta, Maine. While caching, another car pulled up...the person with a gps in hand. I met "jschappy" who was on his way to Boothbay for the day. Then it was off to "Peace" cache where we walked along a wooded brook that had a small waterfall. I was not able to find the cache (lost gps signal). I am on #80 for cache finds....I have a goal of #100 be the end of 2008. Can I do it?
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