quirky little hobby

Have you ever had the privilege of using Perler Beads to make a design or a logo. What is it....they are little circle dots that you can arrange onto a plastic pegboard. I have been finding the older 8-bit designs of characters from the Nintendo Era (late 80's). I have found some patterns for the original Mario Bros., Final Fantasy I,II,III series and Zelda. I have been enjoying with my kids....putting together projects that we can work on together. My daughter usually helps me sort out the various colors so I can work more efficiently since I do not have allot of time to waste (isn't this a waste of time if you have housework to do?). I find this odd and quirky hobby a stress reducer for me...since I have to focus on what I am doing and take the time to count. I see this is similar to cross stitching...yes, when I was a kid and sick with the chicken pox, I had taken a day to try cross stitching since my mom was into it. I created a Garfield pattern and a snowflake paper weight. For Christmas my daughter wants to make a Hello Kitty design for her....so I will find any excuse to find time to do this for her. My wife thinks it is funny that I have found a child's craft so entertaining and addicting.....I guess once I finish this project, I will be out and about in the snow looking for some cache's with geocaching. I am in need of a new gps. Help!!!!
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