Life is like a video game....Donkey Kong for me.

Insert Coin: To me this where you invest your time and money to achieve the highest score possible while enjoying the challenge. This is where your paycheck gets used up on taxes and food, bills and everything else that your money goes towards other than to you bank account.
1 or 2 Player Mode: I enjoy 2 player mode…to me I try to think that I can do things on my own, then when I fall, I realize that if I was in “2 player mode” I could have learned from my mistakes while growing and developing my game skills. My wife is my bestfriend…and she is my player 2 that is there for me and someone who I can go to when times are tough or when I need more quarters or tokens to play more.
High Scores: Do we really try for the high score….do we actually get intimidated when we see the score set so high that the game might not be worth playing if you have a competitive edge. One thing that I like to do is unplug the machine and start over. It is kind of ironic…but I thought that I was a bad person as a child. I used to think I was in a gang and if I intimidated people I would earn respect and no one would challenge me. When I became a Christian and devoted my life to Jesus Christ….my burden and past was removed. I had my machine unplugged and the high score was erased. I now try to beat my high score knowing it is mine to improve.
Cheat Codes: Getting ahead in life my manipulating the system, I used to find ways to cut corners and get things the easy way until I realized I was cheating myself and could be setting a bad example to others around me. I have to do things the hard way….I need to feel the disappointment and I am fine with that. When the success comes my way, I can enjoy and recognize it was mine and I am not afraid to start over. Just insert another coin.
Game Over: Is it? For me that is when I give up….which is not going to happen, or do you really ever see the end of the game. The game of life changes and never is quite the same. I will keep a firm grip on the controller and push that “Mario” up the ladder towards the prize….then it is off to the next level….what do you do? That is what separates the average gamer from the pro’s.