Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Bliss

It has been a week since I was severanced from my job with Bank of America which was coming. We had been told there was going to be some staffing reductions. I didnt think it would have impacted my job or job level. So....I am now home and enjoying not going to work with the snow falling outside. That is a relief. Even know I will be paid to stay home until August of 2009, I still need to make sure I find an additional income. All prayers are welcomed!

Perler - I have been having tons of fun making designs with perler beads. I have a few projects under construction...I just finished making a large MEGAMAN from Nintendo (GBA era). I make the designs and I will hang them in my kids rooms.
Geocaching: hmmm....I have not had an idle day to find some more treasures hiding. I will find more time after the holidays. My hate my Garmin e-trex vista. It dies out on me...and then there is this black line that runs down the whole side of my screen. I am eager to make an upgrade in the late winter. First I will need to sell some stuff on ebay and not take out of my paycheck.

Monday, December 1, 2008

quirky little hobby

Have you ever had the privilege of using Perler Beads to make a design or a logo. What is it....they are little circle dots that you can arrange onto a plastic pegboard. I have been finding the older 8-bit designs of characters from the Nintendo Era (late 80's). I have found some patterns for the original Mario Bros., Final Fantasy I,II,III series and Zelda. I have been enjoying with my kids....putting together projects that we can work on together. My daughter usually helps me sort out the various colors so I can work more efficiently since I do not have allot of time to waste (isn't this a waste of time if you have housework to do?). I find this odd and quirky hobby a stress reducer for me...since I have to focus on what I am doing and take the time to count. I see this is similar to cross stitching...yes, when I was a kid and sick with the chicken pox, I had taken a day to try cross stitching since my mom was into it. I created a Garfield pattern and a snowflake paper weight. For Christmas my daughter wants to make a Hello Kitty design for I will find any excuse to find time to do this for her. My wife thinks it is funny that I have found a child's craft so entertaining and addicting.....I guess once I finish this project, I will be out and about in the snow looking for some cache's with geocaching. I am in need of a new gps. Help!!!!