Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
100th cache find - Pemaquid,Maine

100th cache find - Pemaquid,Maine
Originally uploaded by lombo311
November 2007 I was introduced to geocaching....I used a friends gps to find a cache that he (chimneyguy) hid. I was hooked....I had a goal to find 100 cache finds before 2008 ended. This past weekend I knew it was the weekend to complete this goal...the weather was good, tourists off the back roads where I can cruise. First for the day was "Guys Cache" this was my 6th attempt finding this multi-cache. My wife wanted to go with me and get some exercise on some of the trails....I found it once I regained my signal. Woo Hoo!! #98
We both headed down Route32 towards Pemaquid Lighthouse. I found a tiny micro under a bench that looks out over a small pond that was out in the woods. It was funny having my wife look for a micro....she does not geocache so she was looking for a container. She was amazed that it was the size of an eraser head. #99
Pemaquid Light: I waited for this to be my #100, this was chimneyguys cache hide....I wanted to make my 1st and 100th his cache hides...kind of a tribute to him for getting me into caching. This was where the photo was taken. Now it is no holds barred for me....I will travel outside my area in order to get more since I have scoured my area and have almost all of them.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
An interesting week of geocaching.....very odd!

Originally uploaded by shawn31415
(Photo) Blue Angels performed at the Brunswick Naval Air Station this past weekend. I went to the last day's show. This will be the last time the Blue Angels come to Maine. Our Naval Air Station is set to close in 2011. I am not sure what they plan to do with the base....but it is sure a nice place. I am not a plane nut....but some of the jets are amazing. Our family to a train out of Rockland and was dropped off near to entrance of the military base. We had to walk over a mile to the event. There were close to 100,000 people on the final day. The weather cleared out and the visibility was great for viewing all the stunts.
Caching: I am close to getting to my goal of 100 caches with my crappy Garmin etrex Vista gps. Here is the "odd" part. I was in Rockport, Maine geocaching and I wanted to get "American Chestnut" which was a nice walk along a wooded trail that has a few foot bridges and it eventually leads out to the ocean and there is a large rock formed chair to sit in (the cache is behind it). Well as I was almost to the end of the trail I noticed off the path something moving....when I got closer I noticed it was a couple having some "fun" without their clothes on. They had been between me and the cache. I ended up leaving without a find....and I was thought it would be funny to leave a nice little note on the windshield of the truck that was parked at the entrance. I ended up calling my wife for a quick chat and laugh.
Friday- I found a FTF at a newly posted cache at Reef Point Trail. This cache took me hours to was inside of a downed tree and was not visible at all. Later that day I was off to find another cache at Burkett Trail in Waldoboro. This was a multi-cache and no one had found it yet. I found clue #1 and #2 without any problems. As I was heading to clue #3 the blue trail markers had stopped and I was out in the middle of the woods on a trail to nowhere and my gps signal was lost. At that time I started to backtrack and see where I went wrong....all of a sudden I heard a voice, it was some other cachers on the prowl. I introduced myself and found out that that there team name was "Team Pillaging Poodles". I was able to discuss what happened to the path....and I was able to tag along with them to the final clue then the cache. We all eventually found the cache together and I was able to discuss with them other local cache's that had been giving me a hard time.
Saturday: I went back to "Peace" cache and found the cache without my gps and this was my 3rd attempt. I then headed over the "Guys Cache" in Waldoboro, Maine and finally found the first clue to this multi and this was my 6th attempt this year for this cache. It started to I will finish this cache this weekend. I have 3 more to my goal.