Okay...I have been slacking when it comes to blogging. I have been looking at other blogs and getting updates on friends lives and adventures. Paul and Libby, I would like to thank you for trying a hobby that I haven been going GOO-GOO over. That would be
geocaching, I have been actively looking and finding cache's all over the coast from Belfast to Bath and
in between. The weekend was so nice and I wanted to get the family out of the house and explore the coast before the tourist start strolling in and taking over the roads. With caching....I am up to 35 found in the past 2 months. I have to admit, I am hooked and I actually found a hobby that
doesn't require me sitting inside
in front of a computer as much as I used to....besides it only got me in trouble. It seems comical...that when my wife is driving and I am sitting in the
passengers side, I am looking into the woods and thinking of good places to stash a cache. Also, I had a 30 minute lunch break and I was able to drive across town and get a cache close to the road and back to work on time. I seem to challenge myself vs. time to find those deep woods treasures. I am running out of caches in the
Rockland area....but maybe someone will plant more in the
midcoast area soon.