Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It snowed in Maine last night!

This is the day we all cringe and accept the fact that the snow is on it's way. Our winters seem to last at least 5-6months. This photo was taken this morning at Sugar Loaf Mountain which is the popular ski area for most of the Maine-iacs. I live on the coast so I traveled in rain and high winds, while up north near Canada enjoyed the cooler temps and the white coating.

So...some of those cache's will be buried until the thaw of spring sometime in late April. It is funny to see a cache location with foot prints all around the area of the seems like Maine Geocachers will cache all year long....especially on ski mountains and foot trails. I have seen a few caches that are damaged due to someone with a pole or long stick poking through the deep snow for a thud.....which might be the plastic container. So in the spring....I keep a zip lock bag handy to keep the frozen goodies for getting wet. I had seen a few that way.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just a week away

Next Friday I will be heading down to the Dominican Republic and working on a school. We will be adding new ceiling fans and lights to each classroom. This year I will be taking my son with me and this will be his first international short term missions trip. The weather is hot and humid I will be leaving these 50's - 60's temps we are having here in Maine and going into 80's - 90's. It will be dry and dirty....but that is what I like. I don't mind being waaaaay out of my comfort zone. I would ask those of you who read this pray for my health and travels while I am away. Thank You

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Geocaching this week

Yesterday was a great day to get out and enjoy the fall weather we have been having for the last 2 weeks. The temps are in the mid 60's and the leaves are turning different colors.
I loaded up my gps with a few recently placed cache locations and headed out. First stop was "Split Rock I" GC1G2XC which is in Warren, Maine. It was a nice walking preserve with many wooden foot bridges along the way. It was a very wet walk and I am glad I brought my boots. I found the cache and headed out to the next cache just a few miles down the road.
"Split Rock II" GC1GG3P this was another similar hike accept it was about 1.5 miles each way. I ended up meeting another cacher couple parmachenee who has done several thousand cache finds. It was nice talking about our geocaching experiences together and also seeing what kind of gps's they used. We found this cache together and looked at the huge rock in the middle of nowhere. I found a neat path tag.